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21st Century Superhuman Books

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Get the 21st Century Superhuman  Collection Now! 

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Value $130 $29 today!
3 Ebooks, 3 Audiobooks, 3 Synopsis

 Plus 2 BONUS GIFTS: Stylish Printable Posters,
50 Inspirational Memes 


Huge keys for Ascension!

“These guides have helped me and my family find our path.”


Amy ZP – Mom, Art Channel 

“I wouldn’t want my home without the entire 21st Century Superhuman Series.”


Amber Joann – Single Mom, Teacher

“A huge key for Ascension…gave me a jump-start on the Path.”


Sam V – Creative Living

 'Must have' 21st Century Superhuman books ~

  • Keys to navigate times of Great Change
  • As society transits profound transformation
  • Forever alter how you perceive your 'reality'
  • COMPASS to guide you to your destination
  • with Vision, Guidance & Inspiration 
  • Get Quantum Power to Accomplish Your Dreams


Paperback & Kindle on Amazon - English & Spanish 

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21st Century Superhuman Book 1 SHIFT OF THE AGES: Cosmic Light & Ancient Texts meet Quantum Physics


We are Now in what the Ancients called the 'Shift of the Ages,' an event stranger than fiction, activating latent Abilities within us, drawing us irresistibly to Awaken...don't be caught without this knowledge.

Each of us faces the Ultimate choice, whether to hang out on the sidelines or catch this Wave in the most Powerful Evolutionary Leap in Human History...


Get it!

21st Century Superhuman Book 2 MIND: Secret Formula for LOVE, Health & Abundance


Amazingly, the Secret Formula is found within us! Free your mind, relieve stress, let go worry and doubt, learn to magnetize LOVE, Health, Abundance and Peace into your world.

★★★★ "Sometimes you have to take a leap of faith first, the trust part comes later." Superman


Get it!

21st Century Superhuman Book 3 SPIRIT: Live Your Dreams: Success, Passion, Relationship, Community


It all begins with how we care for, love and encourage one another based on how we love ourselves.. Become empowered with this essential tool set. Facilitate your existence as an Eternal Spiritual Being. Accelerate achieving your personal dreams.


Get it!

21st Century Superhuman Book 4 BODY: Growing Younger with Super Healthy Lifestyle


The Ultimate Guide to Healthy Diet, Lifestyle, Body Care, Cleansing, Detox, Weight Loss, Dis-ease Prevention and Recovery

We are working on a re-edit. The latest version will be back up soon!


Coming Soon

El Superhumano del Siglo XXI Libro 1 EL CAMBIO DE LAS ERAS: Luz Cósmica y Textos Antiguos Se encuentran con la Física Cuántica


★★★★★ "Uno de los Libros más Importantes del Planeta" y " Una guía para Nuestros Tiempos..." Carl Franklin, Escuelas de Misterio de la Llave de la Vida

Navega en estos tiempos de gran cambio hacia el Salto Evolutivo más Poderoso de la Historia de la Humanidad...



El Superhumano del Siglo XXI Libro 2 MENTE: La Fórmula secreta para el AMOR, la salud y la abundancia


¡Sorprendentemente, la Fórmula Secreta se encuentra dentro de nosotros! Libera tu mente, alivia el estrés, deja ir las preocupaciones y las dudas, aprende a magnetizar el AMOR, la Salud, la Abundancia y la Paz en tu mundo. ★★★★ "A veces tienes que dar un salto de fe primero, la parte de confianza viene después". Superman



El Superhumano del Siglo XXI Libro 3 ESPIRITU - Vive tus Sueños: Éxito, Pasión, Relaciónes, Comunidad.


Explore cómo puedes cultivar la verdadera intimidad en sus relaciones, empoderar a la familia, los niños y las mascotas a que sean saludables, y emerger en una comunidad productiva, a medida que avanzamos hacia una Nueva Civilización fundada en el AMOR...



El Superhumano del Siglo XXI Libro 4 CUERPO: Crecer más Joven con un Estilo de Vida Súper Saludable.


La Guía Definitiva para una Dieta, Estilo de Vida, Cuidado del Cuerpo, Limpieza, Desintoxicación, Pérdida de Peso, Prevención de Enfermedades y Recuperación Saludables.



“Cary Kirastar is a visionary... merging the timeless wisdom of the ancients  with latest advancements in Quantum knowledge...

"Cary is a visionary co-creator. Her extensive body of work is a testament to her commitment in helping people achieve their dreams and bring about positive change in the world.

She has produced a wealth of intelligent, pragmatic, and relevant material that holds immense power for personal success as well as humanity's great awakening and ascension.

Her groundbreaking 21st Century Superhuman books skillfully merge the timeless wisdom of ancient knowledge with the latest advancements in quantum comprehension of our 'reality'.

Her books are powerful Guides, illuminating the path towards personal growth and accomplishment, and collective transformation in this pivotal period of the Great Shift of the Ages.

 Having had the honor to assist Cary in re-editing the latest edition of this profound work in 2022, I can confidently say that it holds the potential to become a definitive historical text.

It meticulously documents and bears witness to the ongoing paradigm shift  encompassing holistic, multi-dimensional, and spiritual perspectives empowering the individual to live an extraordinary life.

 For those seeking to embark on their own journeys of world-changing vision and fulfillment, Cary Kirastar's work is an invaluable resource.

Her unwavering dedication to uplifting humanity and her ability to synthesize profound wisdom with cutting-edge research make her a true luminary in the realm of personal and planetary transformation.”

Alexander Rasol
Editor, Surfer, Guide

Message from Cary Kirastar Ellis
"I was ‘called’ in 2012 to write (‘download’ from my higher dimensional self) the 21st Century Superhuman books, with critical info for these times in which we live. 
These books, called by Carl Franklin, co-founder Key of Life Mystery School, “most important books on the planet & Guidebooks for our time...” reveal in exquisite detail the most Powerful Secrets of how to live Abundantly in our emerging ‘Quantum reality'... ‘an essential, not to be missed on the path to Awakening!’"

Get the full set of Ebooks, Audiobooks and Synopsis for speed learning, only available here  in the Exclusive Collection and our Quantum Reset SuperCourse.

Cary Kirastar Ellis Author page on Amazon

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